NCS provides into-vehicle, into-generator, and other ground refueling services including all aspects of fuel dispensing and management, as part of ground fuel distribution. For a turnkey solution, we provide these services wherever they may be required e.g., on our customers’ operational sites including pipeline operation as well.
By outsourcing the dispensing of products to NCS, our customers are ensured a high level of service and exceptional focus on quality, environment, and loss prevention.
NCS also has more than 15 years of experience in into-plane operations on military airbases in remote mission areas and the ability to draw on the wider WKC aviation quality control policies and processes. Therefore, we can provide into-plane services anywhere in the world, subject to local licensing requirements.
NCS provides full-scale refuel and defuel of all types of rotary and fixed-wing aircraft on apron. All operations are conducted in accordance with recognized international standards, including ICAO, JIG, and STANAG for our military customers.
NCS has experience in refueling all types of military helicopters, long/short haul transport aircrafts, fighter jets, and drones. The capabilities and experience include Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP) operations.
The NCS delivery and distribution capabilities include: